Baby animals are cute, adorable, naïve, wide-eyed, and a tad furrier. We find these cute little ones roaming around with their families. However, sometimes we don’t know what to call them.
We don’t always know the correct terms or names. But don’t worry, if you don’t know what some baby animals are called, because we are here with the best guide to cute baby animals’ names.
In this article, you will find some common and not-so-common baby animals’ names, but we are sure you will find them amusing.
Many baby animals share the same name. However, some have specific terms for baby animals.
So, let’s discover who is known as what. But before that, let’s hear about baby animals.
From birth to six months, babies’ eyes will follow moving things and focus on tiny objects. They will try to produce a variety of noises and will react when they see a toy.
Baby animals between the ages of six and twelve months will imitate spoken sounds and animal sounds.
Nothing gets better and cuter than nature’s little ones. Baby animals are always a treat to your eyes, but did you know these little ones are interesting too?
- Baby parrots can respond to the names their parents give them at birth.
- Baby turtles speak to each other even before they are born or hatched.
- Baby pandas are born cup-sized.
- Baby whales can gain too much weight just in a single day.
Baby Animal Names With Pictures
Here are a few baby animals’ names with pictures. Some belong to the same family, while others belong to different species
1. Pup or Puppy
The term pup is mostly associated with babies of dogs. However, the word pup is not just limited to dogs. Many other animals are called pups, such as an armadillo, hamster, baby fox, and seal.
Pups (dogs) are the cutest and one of my favorite baby animals. Puppies are the baby names of a dog that is still growing. Pups weighing 1–1.5 kg (1-3 lb) are common, although bigger pups can weigh up to 7–11 kg (15-23 lb). All healthy puppies develop quickly after birth.

When a dog reaches emotional maturity, they behave like a dog rather than a puppy. The process of being emotionally mature takes time, just like every other element of a pup’s growth.
2. Kitten
A kitten is a young feline. Pup kits exhibit primary altricity after birth and are completely reliant on their mothers for survival.
They usually don’t open their eyes until seven to 10 days have passed. Kittens develop fast and begin to explore the world after around two weeks.

Kit cubs begin to consume solid food and develop baby teeth after another three to four weeks. From the time they are two weeks old until they are seven weeks old, kittens develop rapidly.
Their coordination and strength increase as a result of this. Kit cubs begin to play, fight with their littermates, and venture outside their habitats.
They learn to bathe themselves, hunt, and stalk, demonstrating their natural predatory abilities.
Baby cats are very friendly creatures who spend most of their waking hours socializing with other animals and playing alone.
Playing with other kittens peaks around the third or fourth month after birth, followed by more individual hunting.
3. Chick
Chickens are sociable creatures who live in flocks. Incubation of eggs and rearing of young ones is done in a coordinated manner.
Individual chicks in a flock will create a “pecking order,” with dominant birds prioritizing food and nesting sites.

Chick hatchling
Chick hatchling takes around 21 days after they have been incubated. Because the development of the chick begins only when incubation begins, all chicks hatch within a day or two of one another, even if they were laid over two weeks.
A young hen can hear the chick peeping within the eggs before they hatch and will softly cluck to encourage them to break out from their shells.
The chick starts by “pipping,” or pecking a breathing hole in the egg with its egg teeth, generally on the top side. Next, the chick sleeps for many hours, absorbing the leftover egg yolk and sucking blood from the membrane under the shell’s surface.
The chick then enlarges the hole, gently twisting it round as it goes until the blunt end of the shell is fully severed to form a lid.
The chick crawls out of the leftover shell in the shelter of the home, and the moist down dries.
Mothers are highly protective of their chicks, brooding them when required to keep them warm and returning to the nest at night at first.
4. Anatidae (birds)
Goose-gosling, duck-duckling, and swans are Anatidae (Family of water birds)
Small baby ducks are called ducklings. Ducklings have webbed feet, which aids in their mobility. An infant male duck is called a drake.
Swimmers who can swim well once a year lay eggs. They are omnivorous, which means they consume both plants and animals as well as small animals.

Baby geese are called a gosling. Goose-gosling has Nordic origins.

So, like a duckling, a gosling is a “gooseling,” a smaller and prettier form of an animal. Goslings hatch from eggs laid in nests of water bodies, and they are trained to swim and eat in the water practically as soon as they are born.
The swan is the biggest waterfowl species in the Anserinae subfamily of the Anatidae family. The juvenile called swan cygnet is born with short necks and thick feathers.

While they can run and paddle within a few hours after birth, they must be taken care of for several months.
In certain species, swan cygnet even rides on their mother’s back. For two years, immature birds have patchy grey or brown feathers.
5. Foal
A young horse is called a colt. However, this is improper. “Foal” is the correct gender-neutral name for an animal baby horse.
All colts are foals, but foals can be fillies or colts, just as all baby males are babies, but babies can be infant boys or infant girls.
Horse foal is the first stage of a horse’s development following birth. A horse’s foal can be either masculine or feminine.

The foal’s birth is rather simple and takes only a few minutes on average. This is because only half of the males are colt foal, while the other half are females. If the colt foal still has milk from her mother, the practice is known as suckling.
A colt is a young male horse in the latter stages of development. A female horse is a filly, while an adult female horse is a mare. Only after a horse has reached the age of four, it’s referred to be a mare.
A colt is a juvenile horse under the age of four years.
6. Bovidae ( lamb and calf)
Calf refers to a young cow. A feminine pup calf is commonly referred to as a heifer calf cub, whereas a male calf is a bull calf cub. A heifer is a feminine that has never given birth.

Any dairy farm’s success depends on the proper handling of the newborn calf. Early feeding of the calf at an appropriate level promotes rapid development and maturation.
The following are some of the most important components of calf feeding:
- Within half an hour of delivery, the mother receives colostrum.
- Calves are fed full milk or milk replacer.
- From the second week forward, calf starter/good-grade grain is introduced.
- The calf should also be provided with high-quality hay.
- Vaccination and deworming
Sheep lamb and goats both belong to the Bovidae family. Baby sheep or young sheep are called lamb, lambkin, or cosset, and baby goats are called goat kids. Sheep lamb needs their first food within eight hours after birth.

7. Bunny and Piglet
Bunny and Piglet belong to the Mammalia family. A baby rabbit is called a bunny, whereas an infant pig is called a piglet.
If we look at the origins of the term bunny, we can see that it may have arisen from the Scottish word bun, meaning rabbit or rabbit story.
This term may have evolved into a bunny, denoting tiny animals, particularly rabbits, throughout time.

Piglets are born without antibodies, their bodies retain fat energy for approximately one day, and they cannot control their internal body temperature until they are a few days old.
Piglets born alive are divided into two groups: normal and handicapped. It is critical to distinguish between normal and disadvantaged piglets to give necessary help.

8. Baby Elephant
The calf is the name given to a newborn elephant. Calves remain close to their moms. For at least two years, they consume their mother’s milk.
The calf enjoys being caressed by its mother or a relative regularly. This is reassuring to the infant.

When elephants are born, they are three feet tall and weigh 250 pounds.
9. Kangaroo
The baby animal of the kangaroo is called a Joey. When it’s born, it’s probably the size of a pinto bean.
Because their young ones are so little once they’re born, kangaroos have a specific pouch called a marsupium for carrying their infants.

The mom’s pouch offers a secure haven for her young ones until they are old enough to thrive on the outside of the pouch. Only female kangaroos have pouches because they are used to keep offspring safe.
So, these were some common names. The list can go very long as different animals have different names for their babies. If you would like to know more about the names of baby animals and their parents, click here.
Last Updated on by ritukhare