Gavin Newsom, the governor of California shared a heart-touching story on his Twitter page on May 19 and it referred to the new abortion law enforcement in various states of the United States of America.
Gavin Newson stated that the life of baby Milo’s family is what the @GOP is trying to force on our entire nation. He criticized them for coming up with the new abortion law. The law is torturous and affects a lot of families physically and emotionally.
Following the Supreme Court’s order, most of the states of the United States outlawed abortion except in certain cases in some of the states. The new abortion law states that abortion after 15 weeks of gestation is prohibited.

The Roe V. Wade, 1973 conclusion had come up with a constitutional right to abortion.
From 1973 till 2022 the states had granted the right to abort the fetus. But after 2022 the Supreme Court’s order stated that the laws were changed.
Story of Baby Milo
Baby Milo Evan Dorbert breathed his first and last one on 3rd March 2023. He was born without functioning kidneys, immature lungs, and with Potter’s syndrome which leads him to no survival rate. He lived just for 99 minutes.
Deborah Dorbert and her husband Lee conceived their second baby before the enforcement of the new abortion law.
They were happy to welcome their second baby with extreme happiness and didn’t know this change in law enforcement would change their lives.
They learned about their son’s condition during a routine ultrasound in their gestation period and consulted the doctors.
However, the doctors did not take toward the abortion because, according to the new Florida abortion law, it’s illegal to abort after 15 weeks of gestation.

The punishments are severely raised for not following the laws. So the couple had to wait until the pregnancy period got over.
The couple broke down because they were excited to welcome their son but now they were left with utter disappointment.
Their first son Kaiden was excited to welcome his brother too but Deborah had to tell his son about the situation. She burst into tears while trying to communicate with her first son.
The day before Milo was born, Deborah sat down with Kaiden and told him that the baby stopped functioning and that he would not come home.
Relatively someday they all could meet together as angels and on saying this, Kaiden burst into tears, telling his parents that he did not want to be an angel.
Final Words by the Dorberts
The couple and their members welcomed baby Milo but could not be with him. They tried their best to have him survive with the help of high technology but there was no way to do it.
Dorberts said that after the delivery, they could see him fighting to breathe and survive. He was trying to breathe but couldn’t make it and he didn’t cry when was born.
The couple prepared for their son’s short life and gave all their love and warmth with deep grief and sadness
Gavin Newsom said @GOP gave a life of pain, sorrow, and deep psychological wounds for the entire family and felt sorry for them and all other families going through the same tragedy.
Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology